Why Building Relationships with your Child is our First Priority.

When something comes to an end, we always seem to take stock and reflect. Whether that’s the end of a movie we are watching, or at the bottom of an ice cream tub, we always think about the experience we had. What did I think of that? Did I enjoy it? Will I watch/buy/see/go again?
The same can be said at the end of a milestone. When your little person reaches the age of five or six and is ready to leave the early years setting and move on to “big school.” It is inevitable that we will look back on our time together and think of the memories, the experiences and growth that has occurred there.
But there is one aspect that we will always consider. Our feelings. Leaving a place that you have embedded into your daily routine, the educators, friends, and other families, that are so familiar can also invoke some big feelings.
And why?
Because we are emotionally invested. And so are our children.
Think back to the time when you first looked around our Kindergarten. What do you remember? Did the educators make you feel like you could comfortably leave your child with them? Did they put you at ease and soothe your anxieties? They welcomed both your special person and your family into the CK home and started to work with you to build trust, comfort and a bond that would last several years.
Why is this important?
As humans, we long for connection. As children, we need to feel safe and secure in order to grow and develop. And whilst we absolutely believe that families are the child’s first educators, we know that as your child’s teachers in a home-away-from-home environment, we also want to build a strong relationship with them. This is of paramount importance and is what early childhood education and care look like on the very base level.
A theorist called Maslow created a Hierarchy of Needs.
Each stage represents a different area of necessity. One cannot reach the peak of ‘self-actualisation’ and a sense of wellbeing, without having met their basic needs first – food, shelter, and water. Only then can they be open to feeling safe and secure through the relationships they have with their family.
Connecting with others relates to self-esteem and confidence, finally leading to ‘self-actualisation.’
All the levels are interrelated. One cannot be achieved without first realising the need underneath.
At Carlingford Kindergarten, we seek to care for and support children in their wellbeing, providing the basics as well as the love and belonging they feel as they gain more confidence through our care and education.
In 2021, there were 10 children who graduated from CK, seven of whom had been with us since they were two years old. This meant they had been in the one setting for almost four years, most of their life so far. For them, we are all they know and moving settings, whilst they are more than ready, will be a big moment for them.
Over those four years, the educators have also formed positive relationships with the children. They are devoted and dedicated to offering care and affection alongside the learning process. Children learn through play and will do that to their full potential, providing they feel loved and secure. The sadness we all feel when a child leaves the centre to go to school is because we care. We will miss them, and they, us.
We understand that some families choose to take their children to a preschool setting for their final year before school. Whether they have been with us since they were two and now at age 4 are heading to preschool; or if they have only been attending for a year, or so; this will be a big change; only for another even bigger change a year later. For us, as educators, we want nothing more than the children to be sound in their social and emotional development. We are lucky, we offer a solid preschool program with dedicated early childhood teachers. The only difference is that your child will be in a setting they are already familiar with, with people with who they have a history.
Our 2021 graduation was lovely. We had a high tea with the children before they sang songs to their parents. Each child presented their family with a very special, personal gift – a series of self-portraits for each year they have attended CK, alongside their graduation photo. It was such a proud and emotional moment.
Two of the ten children who graduated this year are the third and last child to attend our kindergarten. Their families have been attending for 13 years; whilst another two families have been with us for 9 years of care. Not only such a great achievement, but an example of how much of an extended family we are to each other.


Celebrating Vegetables at CK


Thank You from the bottom of our hearts.